
The MRP certification educates you about working with current and former military service members. You will learn to find the housing solutions that best suit their needs and how to take advantage of military benefits and support.

“它的目的是帮助特工们了解军方在做什么, 限制明智, 以及他们可以利用的任何好处,麦克法兰说, 他也是MRP讲师.

“通过获得MRP认证,列奥纳迪说, “我获得了关于军事客户需求的基本知识. 我认为这有助于他们信任我当他们聘请我作为他们的经纪人. 还有一个很好的网络, and other REALTORS® gain peace of mind knowing that anyone with the MRP certification will take care of military clients.”

了解MRP指定,网址 militaryrelocationpro.org.

If there’s one trait most military clients share, it’s that they don’t have much time.

“如果你和现役军人一起工作, 他们可能只有三天到一周的时间来找房子,麦克法兰说, 退役海军陆战队员,RE/MAX Elite Mission代理开发总监. “You’re trying to look at houses, write up offers, and negotiate like crazy in three days.”

凯伦·弗莱利,M. 圣安东尼奥的Stagers2021十大正规彩票app合伙人,自称是军人, echoes that sentiment: “You have to be able to move fast with your military clients because they may just have one week to come in.”


因为时间很短, 这有助于在与军方客户会面之前做尽可能多的准备. 你没有时间花几天时间看房子.

“我们和他们谈过很多次,迈克尔·泽尔说, 科佩拉斯湾Armadillo物业的经纪人兼业主和一名退休军官. “We send them information about different properties to narrow down what they’re interested in. 所以当你第一次面对面的会面时,你已经知道他们想要什么. 你不用整天开着车到处看房子.”

准备工作的一部分包括彻底了解你的市场. “了解当今市场的新产品非常重要, 什么东西又回到了市场上, 接下来会有什么,帕梅拉·莱昂纳迪说, an agent with Paramount Real Estate Services in Wichita Falls who’s married to an active-duty Air Force member. “当有人打电话给我,今天需要看一些东西的时候, 我会知道有什么可以买到的,我会去的.”

Another factor is where the clients are in their careers and what their future plans are. 作为顾问,你的职责是找出什么对你的客户最好, 军事机构也不例外.

“你必须问他们,‘你要在这里退休吗? 这是你最后一次任务吗? 你要在这里待多久?’”弗雷利说. “对他们中的许多人来说,他们在某个地方驻扎了三年. If it’s a crazy market—like it’s been in San Antonio—maybe they’re better off renting. 或者他们已经准备好投资一处房产,搬家时再把它租出去.”

“During my 20 years as an active-duty Marine, I never bought a home,麦克法兰说. “我不知道有什么更好的办法,也没有看到购买的好处. 但今天,作为一名特工,我明白其中的好处. 我明白这对他们来说是一个长远的好处.”


退伍军人可能没有现役军人的时间限制, but they still face challenges with financing and understanding the benefits available to them. There are more than 1,500,000 veterans in Texas, according to recent numbers from the U.S. 退伍军人事务部. The MRP designation course provides information about working with veterans and helping them take advantage of existing programs. 你也可以在德克萨斯州退伍军人土地委员会找到信息 http://vlb.texas.gov/.


大多数现役军人都远离他们需要找到住房的市场. They’re wrapping up their previous deployment and could be selling a house in that area. 在这种情况下, 配偶或其他亲戚可能会亲自和你在一起, 帮助缺席的军人. Consider ways to leverage technology to help military clients feel comfortable with their housing decision.

“You might be dealing in-person with a spouse instead of the military member—that happens a lot. The military spouse may be overseas or in similar circumstance where they can’t be there,麦克法兰说. “I might do a video for them or a video chat as if they were walking through the house.”


莱昂纳迪说:“我大约80%的军方客户都是在没有参观房产的情况下购买的。. “It’s not a great situation to arrive on base and have to wait for housing—especially active-duty military with young children—so military clients choose to rely on virtual tours. 我已经很擅长拍摄家庭旅行视频了, 包括用无人机向我的客户展示这片区域.”

Zehr has also seen an uptick in clients who never visit the property: “We’ve had a lot of sight-unseen homebuyers. There was just no time for them to look at the property and decide if they want to make an offer—the house was gone. 租客也经常这样. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®开发了一个我使用的表格, 住宅租赁未见附录,客户可以表明他们是在网上看到的,还是有其他人去过.”

弗莱利说,尽管时间很短, 记住这些事务中人的方面, 因为这可能牵涉到很多情绪. 她说:“他们并不总能选择要去哪里。. “压力很大. 他们可能会来到一个他们一无所知的城市,这一切都发生得很快.”


Many active-duty military use Veterans Administration loans because they don’t require a down payment. 这对军人来说太好了, 但对VA贷款的误解可能会伤害你的客户.

“The most common challenge I see for my military clients is sellers not wanting to accept VA loans,Fraley说. “It’s critical to pair your clients with a good VA lender, someone who knows the product. Then when someone tells my clients, ‘You can’t do that,’ the lender can step in and make it work.”

Leonardi adds that you also need to learn about VA loans if you’re going to service this community: “It took me a few years after I started in 2015 to learn that certain properties won’t work with VA loans. 它能帮助我的军方客户知道该关注哪些房产.”

McFarland agrees that you need to know VA loans and suggests another loan product to consider when working with military clients: “Look at the Texas Veterans Land Board. 在德克萨斯州购买的退伍军人或现役军人有资格参加他们的计划, 其中之一是贴现率的住房贷款,这是VA贷款的覆盖部分.”

He also notes that there is plenty of misinformation among military buyers about VA loans. “One active-duty member of the military attending a first-time homebuyers seminar at a VFW in San Antonio was asked if he’d thought about using a VA loan. 那个人说,‘不. 我还没退休呢.’ That’s what I’m talking about: There are military members who don’t understand what they can and cannot do.”



她说:“军人的团队合作精神非常强烈。. “团队合作、信任和果断. 他们通常对某件事很清楚,他们会做出决定,并坚持到底. 我们通常对所有客户都一视同仁. 我觉得我们欠军方客户的更多.”

麦克法兰对此表示赞同:“作为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人,我们的工作就是帮助人们. 这些交易是为他们服务的巨大机会.”